Discover which walker/rollator is best for you!

A Four Wheeled Walker

A Four Wheeled Walker According to your responses, it looks like a four wheeled walker might be the right mobility aid for you! You got this result because it sounds like you would like a bit of extra support for walking outdoors. And because four wheeled walkers have a seat, if you need to sit down […]

A Mobility Scooter

A Mobility Scooter According to your responses, it looks like a mobility scooter might be the right mobility aid for you! You got this result because:  You said that you wanted to get out and about more, without having to walk everywhere. And you didn’t want to have to push yourself in a wheelchair. Mobility […]

A Walker

A Walker According to your responses, it looks like a walker might be the right mobility aid for you! You got this result because it sounds like you may need a bit of extra support to get walking safely. Either because: You are a bit more wobbly on your feet You have been having falls […]

A Cane

A Cane According to your responses, it looks like a cane might be the right mobility aid for you! You got this result because it sounds like you have good enough leg strength and balance to manage with a cane, which is great news! A cane is normally the most suitable choice of mobility aid […]

A Wheelchair

A Wheelchair According to your responses, it looks like a wheelchair might be the right mobility aid for you! You got this result because: You said that you wanted to get out and about more without having to walk everywhere. You also said that you would be able to wheel yourself around using your arms, […]

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